psilocybin mushoom uk

  • Liberty Caps Mushrooms


    Liberty caps have been known and documented as an intoxicant since 1799 when they were first ingested by a British family. They were studied much more in-depth in the 1960s, where a Swiss scientist first identified the psilocybin compound in a European mushroom variety.

  • Lizard King Mushrooms


    Lizard King is reputed to be medium- to high-potency, as compared to other cubes. However, it’s not clear whether the strain has actually been tested for average psilocybin content. In any case, all mushrooms are somewhat variable.

  • Malabar Mushrooms


    One thing you’ll need to keep in mind with Malabar magic mushrooms is that they have a faster onset. That means that you should feel them start working their magic faster than other cubensis strains.

  • Mazatapec Mushrooms


    This Mazatapec strain is praised for its ability to promote a spiritual journey, you can expect deep insights into yourself and the universe. Reports coming back from the front line are conveying experiences of intense joy, and euphoria, with powerful visual effects and a heightened sense of color.

  • McKennaii Mushrooms


    McKennaii mushrooms get their name from the psychonaut, lecturer, author, and psilocybin enthusiast Terence McKenna. Several of his books explored different aspects of psilocybin mushrooms, as well as his own mushroom experiences and interpretations of them.

  • Melmac Mushrooms


    Melmac is known to be relatively high potency, meaning you’ll need smaller doses of the mushroom than you would for an average P. cubensis to get the same effect.

  • Mexicana Mushrooms


    Mexicana is very popular for it’s mild effect with breathtaking colors and a very pleasant powerful euphoric buzz that can flow into patches of spontaneous laughter. With our shroom supply, you can expect shining colors, a continuous happy feeling and a sense of physical weightlessness.

  • Pearly Gates Mushrooms


    Pearly White is a mind-blowing cross between one of the best new strains and a classic. That means that this unique strain has great traits, unlike your average P. cubensis strain.

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