  • Burma Mushrooms


    Burma or Burmese shrooms have an above-average potency. Though this particular mushroom strain isn’t known for heady, insightful, self-reflective mushroom experiences that promote self-actualization as psychedelics are often known for

  • Melmac Mushrooms


    Melmac is known to be relatively high potency, meaning you’ll need smaller doses of the mushroom than you would for an average P. cubensis to get the same effect.

  • Penis Envy 6 Mushrooms


    These mushrooms retain some of the attributes of their Penis Envy parents but open up much more than the straight PE’s. The Penis Envy strain of magic mushrooms is known to be one of the strongest and hard-hitting.

  • Z Strain Mushrooms


    The mushrooms are dense, meaty, and large. Z-strain is not a slacker in any regards, and the clusters are numerous, with very few, if any, aborts. It utilizes its substrate to the max. They can also be very large mushrooms, towering over most other strains.

  • F+ Magic Mushrooms


    Although F+ magic mushrooms are also known as Florida White, they don’t necessarily appear white. Instead, they have a pale coloration in the stem and a brownish cap.

  • Big Mex Mushrooms


    Big Mex mushrooms offer a gentle, yet highly-effective trip. The psychedelic effects that Big Mex shrooms offer are often visual hallucinations – both with eyes open and eyes closed. They also cause feelings of euphoria, enhanced creativity, and overall positivity.

  • Koh Samui Mushrooms


    This species originates from the Thai Island of Koh Samui a beautiful and small island to the south of Thailand. These ‘shrooms were typically served by the locals in a smoothie and given to backpackers who proceeded to dance all night at the legendary full moon beach parties.

  • McKennaii Mushrooms


    McKennaii mushrooms get their name from the psychonaut, lecturer, author, and psilocybin enthusiast Terence McKenna. Several of his books explored different aspects of psilocybin mushrooms, as well as his own mushroom experiences and interpretations of them.

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