Buy 1P LSD in UK

  • 100ML 1P-LSD Microdosing Kit


    This bottle contains 100ML or 100 Micrograms of 1P-LSD (1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) in distilled water. This bottle contains 10 microdoses of 1P-LSD (1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) at 10ML or 10 Micrograms per dose.

  • 200UG 1P-LSD | Deadhead Chemist


    1P-LSD also known as 1-Propionyl-Lyserguc Acid Diethylamide is a psychedelic substance that helps its users experience a much needed trip. To use this substance, it is best to microdose to avoid the highly deleterious effects such as hallucinations.

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